M3 Motorway Scheme

'M3 Motorway Scheme' image

AWN Consulting was responsible for three of the five sections of the M3 Motorway scheme air quality assessment which extended from the Clonee Bypass to North of Kells. The motorway amounted to 61km and opened in 2010.

AWN Consulting was involved in both the route selection process and the environmental impact statement. The route selection process involved the selection of the most environmentally favourable route taking into account all the competing factors including air quality and climate considerations.

At the EIS stage, baseline monitoring was undertaken for NO2, benzene and PM10 at sensitive receptors along the preferred routes for each of the three stages (Navan Bypass, Kells Bypass and Kells to North of Kells).

A comprehensive oral hearing was held into the scheme in 2003 with approval for the road granted in 2005

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