Air Dispersion Modelling
Modelling of air emissions from industrial facilities is an essential first step in the design of industrial emission points / stacks and appropriate abatement systems. In order to ensure that ambient ground level air concentrations comply with the appropriate legislation (such as EU Directive 2008/50/EC Clean Air For Europe), air dispersion modelling is used to determine the appropriate stack heights and required abatement efficiencies.
AWN Consulting has undertaken hundreds of complex air dispersion modelling assessments for a range of blue-chip Irish and multi-national clients using USEPA approved models such as AERMOD & CALPUFF. Ambient air quality monitoring for a range of air pollutants is also undertaken to quantify the existing baseline environment and to determine the assimilative capacity of the local environment.
These models facilitate the investigation of cost-effective engineering solutions such as the optimisation of stack heights and building layouts, appropriate abatement systems and efficiencies, flexibility in operating conditions and operational options such as maximise fuel switching on-site.
Our team of experienced air dispersion modellers ensures that full compliance with the full range of complex ambient air quality legislation and regulations is achieved whilst meeting the business and development goals of the client company.