Basement Impact Assessments now required by DCC for planning applications - Feb 2020

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When a proposed development includes the construction of any form of basement, the planning application submitted on or after 3rd February 2020 to Dublin City Council (DCC) must include a Basement Impact Assessment (BIA)

This policy is set out in the BIA Basement Development Policy Document - Version 1.1 .

AWN Consulting has a team of experienced and qualified hydrogeologists, geologists and hydrologists familiar with the technical requirements to complete BIA's in compliance with DCC guidance.

AWN will complete an analysis of the construction and post construction impacts on the natural hydrogeological and hydrological regime. Where issues are identified, the team is experienced in working with the design team to prepare necessary mitigation suitable for a planning approval.

The BIA is undertaken to evaluate the direct and indirect geo-environmental implications of basement construction. Early engagement is recommended to ensure necessary seasonal water data is collected in time and appropriate mitigation considered so as not to delay any planning submission.

 This assessment will incorporate:

· Environmental characterisation of the site and surrounding environment;

· Surface flow and flooding;

· Local groundwater flow;

· Land stability;

· Field work (site walkover, geotechnical / hydrogeological investigation, groundwater monitoring);

· Analysis and understanding of the site specific data;

· Description of the proposed development and construction works;

· Impact assessment on the environment; and

· Development of mitigation measures.

For further information contact Teri Hayes, Senior Hydrogeologist (


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