AWN assists both lower and upper tier Seveso (COMAH) sites with the submission of notification information to the HSA and with the preparation of COMAH compliance documentation including MAPP, SMS, Emergency Plans & Consultation Plans. We assist our clients with developing systems and procedures to comprehensively implement the MAPP and SMS and to ensure that the criteria of the Health and Safety Authority are met. We also provide assistance with preparation for HSA audits.
The notification submission provides information to the HSA on the operator name and contact details, dangerous substances stored on site including their quantity, form and categorisation, a description of the activity and the surrounding environment, identification of nearby establishments that could increase the consequences of major accidents and mapping.
AWN provides the following services in relation to environmental aspects of the operation of COMAH establishments:
Safety Report
The Safety Report contains information on the management system and organisation of a COMAH establishment with a view to major accident prevention, a description of the environment of the facility and the installation. It identifies major accident hazards, and provides information on the consequences and risk of major accident scenarios. » read more
Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP)
The Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) establishes in writing the operator's overall aims and principles of action with respect to the control of major-accident hazards. The MAPP is designed to guarantee a high level of protection for people and the environment by appropriate means, structures and management systems. » read more